Our mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions....

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 74 - Baby Quilt

Did a bit of sewing tonight and got 4 more blocks together.  Thought it was 9:00 and turns out it really was 10 as I hadn't changed this clock by my sewing machine! (Did I mention that the crazy black and white pattern in so many of my photos is my ironing board cover?)

I also wanted to share the fabrics that I found yesterday at Mill End Textiles for 1.50 and 1.99 a yard:
The beige print on the left will be the backing for the camping quilt for our T@B trailer.

The pink cars and gas pumps was to go with the trailer print I bought online.  It is a Michael Miller fabric which is what the trailer print is.  Most likely will do 2 pillow cases.

The overall bright pink print will be the back of the current baby quilt that I am working on.

These 3 star flannels will be the back of church baby quilts (but now I don't think I bought enough to back a good size baby quilt).

And last are these first 3 from the left- needed a small amount of a good orange and teal, couldn't resist a half yard of the jacks print and did get enough of the olive green for a quilt backing.
Wow, what a steal!!! And aren't they lovely all folded so nicely?

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