Our mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One more day of unemployment.

Did an airport run with the folks this morning.  Easy to do not being employed...Got another set of pieces ready to be sewn into a "giant" block for the next camping quilt (and strung another string of beads).
Gave a second coat of paint to the small wall in the workshop so that is done.  Pulled out this mirror (from the workshop) which has a dresser that we are using as a TV stand.  Cleaned it up (thinking I would get rid of it) and I am not ready to part with it.  Decided to try something different and set it on the mantel.  I think it is really too big and too dark but Michael wants to leave it there for a while.  I think it would be cute back on the dresser and used in a guest room(someday).

Tonight I began to do some serious thinking about the dollhouse and where electrical outlets should go and how many.  I really have to figure out where furniture is going to go too.  So I dug out the kitchen furniture and figured out the placement.  Here is what the rough plan looks like in there.  It is an old fashioned kitchen.  I wonder if I could make a set of shelves to put by the cupboard for more storage.....

I could only locate this big chest for the studio on the 3rd level. 

Also met a friend at a little thrift shop this afternoon...

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