Our mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 155 - Cutting mini blocks

So last night when I went to enter my daily blog- blogger was working!  I got up early this morning to
 enter it and it STILL wasn't working!  So end of the work day and
 just before serving up some dinner it is back online.
Beautiful Sunday and I hung my daughters two quilts on the line to air (along with her sleeping bag and tent).
I had to bring them in twice due to showers but they did get a good airing.  (The quilt on the left is one that she made in high school - all cat fabrics.  The one on the right is the one I made her to take to college titled
"Losing My Marbles".)

This evening I worked on those tiny 4 square quilt pieces from awhile ago.  The little green and beige one on the upper left hand side is the size they have to be cut to - a 2" square.

Here is the finished pile and the scraps left behind:

And another basement ceiling update- another section has been installed!!!

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