Our mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions....

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 - Quilt paper pieced

Tonight I started a new project.  It is paper pieced quilt. I have 3 sections done so far.  Finished dimensions of this mini quilt are about 11 x 16 inches.

(The other "creative" endeavor of the day, besides work, was to tear out 1/2 of the basement ceiling-we are going to add some much needed electrical in the basement, new windows, new ceiling and best of all new ceiling lights!! My challenge besides packing up so much of my studio to make room for remodel is to be able to keep creating through this for the 365 days...oh, we are doing this ourselves with the help of a dear brother-in-law.)

1 comment:

  1. So you changed the titles, cool. You know you can tag things, so if you want to tag "decoupage" as such each time you do a decoupage project, you can sort through all your blogs and see everything with the "decoupage" tag. Just thought I'd share another tidbit
