Our mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 322 - Church quilt

Well, my New Year News is that amongst much happening at the clinic I work at, last Thursday I was told that my hours would be cut from full time to 16 hours per week the last week in January.  Well, you know this was not in my plans!  So the challenge is on: how to approach this new opportunity...
I guess I will approach it as each day comes - one day at a time.  I will let you know - as I know.  OK?

When life hands you scraps   Make a quilt

So besides today being an extended family Christmas celebration which was great I was able to start sewing the strips together on one of the church quilts I worked on last fall.  I have 4 rows sewn together as of this evening.

It is a comfort to know that there are so many things that
I absolutely love doing....

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