Our mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 364 - Almost There!!!

Wow!  I have been crafting for 364 days...Today was my second day of "not working" because my hours at work have been cut.  Grocery shopped and then got into the bathroom on the main floor and began taking the wallpaper border off.  What a job... it took most of the day but it is done!

When my arm needed a break I laid out the strip quilt for church done in green, blue, purple and yellow.   Now it is ready to be sewn together.

On another "arm" break time I laid out the other quilt that I am working on for church.  Finally figured out what kind of a pattern I could do with this.

After dinner I worked a couple of hours on squaring up all of the blocks for this quilt as they are slightly longer than they are wide.  I got about half of them cut.

A productive day being unemployed.

1 comment:

  1. You got a lot done! I need to learn from you how to be productive on days not working!
