Our mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions....

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

On Saturday I was able to sew up the curtains for Michael's den.  Just a simple valance with some muslin lining.   There are two windows the same size,
The toughest part was Pete....
Sunday was a trip to Duluth to visit my Mom and other family so some more
yo yo's were stitched.  There is more daylight now so got more made on the drive.  I think that we did about 9 hours of driving today as we ran into a huge storm this evening and had to pull over twice as we couldn't see the lines on the road in front of us.
My drawer of red scraps is pretty empty now!
This little set of storage drawers actually has 4 drawers. The next one down holds the little scraps of blues and purples.  As you can see this one has a bunch of fabric that can be used for more yo yo's.

Monday was spent doing folding clothes, some cleaning and ironing.  Oh, I also got the backyard grass mowed and will go to my quilt guild meeting this evening.
Boy these 3 day weekends go fast....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Craft Group & Camping

Thursday evening was a wonderful night with my craft group!  This time we were treated to a group craft taught by my good friend Carol.  She had found a wonderful card to make that included paper folding.  At the end of the evening we had each made one or two interesting cards.  Here are the finished ones.
I hope to spend an evening and make a bunch of these using some of my many scrap book papers and try some other mediums as well as I love how these turned out!

Friday after work we headed out camping for our second time this year.  We are in our 6th year of owning our little trailer and it is so cosy and fun!  We had some weather on Friday and Saturday of 87 degrees so it was quite warm as well as very windy!

I brought along some projects to work on and make repairs on and ended up making a few extra items.  Here are the finished projects on the trailer table.
We had a visitor in our campsite on Saturday who stayed for quite a while...visited the trailer kitchen and took a peek inside my shoe.
It was another memorable weekend.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another day in paradise...

Honestly, any day that I wake up and realize I have another chance
to "get it right" truely is a day in paradise!
I am a bit behind again in my blogging but another trip to Duluth
 and a few more yo yo's made.
(My scrap drawer of pinks and reds is getting quite cleaned out!)
Have done a little sprucing up too.  This birdhouse was purchased at a thrift store and I used it last summer outside.  When it came time to put things away for the summer it looked a bit tired so I have just given it a new coat of paint.  It looks a bit Swedish!
This birdhouse is another thrift store find and hasn't been used yet.  It was all green (and not a very good paint job) so it is getting a coat of my favorite color- White!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another Trip to Duluth

It was a little longer than our normal one and included an overnight stay so a few more yo yo's were made....

It is easy to see which drawer of scraps I had pulled from for this color range...